Substitute Teaching Opportunities

One of the most important responsibilities of our School District is to provide a well qualified teacher for every classroom. We wish to think of our substitute staff as a reserve force which can be called upon to ensure the continuity of competent instruction and programs that we are committed to provide.

We sincerely hope that our substitute teachers will be interested in exhibiting dedication to the education of each child and demonstrating the same degree of individual loyalty to the school district and its professional staff as do the teachers whom they replace.

As a substitute teacher you are an important visitor whose impressions of our school will be carried into the community.

If our office can be of assistance, we would ask that you contact the Human Resources Office, at (815) 928-7026 with your questions and suggestions. We are always looking for qualified individuals to join our team.

Qualifications for a substitute position:

Substitute Pay Schedule for the 2023-2024 School Year - $118.46 per day. After the 21st consecutive day for the same position (certified only), the salary changes to the per diem of a first year teacher with a Bachelor's degree with no additional credit hours. (~$225/day).

Substitute Pay Schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year - $130.30 per day. After the 21st consecutive day for the same position (certified only), the salary changes to the per diem of a first year teacher with a Bachelor's degree with no additional credit hours. (~$229.50/day).

If you interested in subbing in the Manteno School system, please stop by the district office (84 N. Oak St, Manteno) to complete the necessary employment forms. You may also print these forms out to complete ahead of time. These forms need to be returned to the Human Resources office along with an updated Iroquois-Kankakee County substitute letter and two forms of identification as required on the back side of the I-9 form.

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